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Tinstagram of Matty Healy

membru din 29 June 2022

Tinstagram of Matty Healy

                    account name: officialmattyhealy ✓
  This is the official account of the most beloved Personality in the Land of the Sun.  
    ...former host, producer, mastermind @ www.sunphoto.ro/Tintype/
Reflection on Creɑtion ɑnd Spɑce
Reflection on Creɑtion ɑnd Spɑce
I: Tintype has seen numerous seasons, but the one during your tenure stands out with the highest; ratings. What do you credit for that success? M: It′s simple, really: my charm, wit, and top-notch hosting skills. Of course, the contestants played their part, but let′s be honest...
I: Tintype has seen numerous seasons, but the one during your tenure stands out with the highest
I: So, who stood out as your favorite and, well, let′s say your least favorite? M: Ah, there′s a; question. If I had to pick favorites, Berk and Matt would take the cake. Sure, they looked like they could scare a grown man witless, but underneath those intimidating exteriors were hearts of gold.
I: So, who stood out as your favorite and, well, let′s say your least favorite? M: Ah, there′s a
As for the least favorites, well, where do I even start? Chambray, the Prince, and Alphonse—; three peas in a pod, demanding the world on a silver platter and treating Angie like she was THEIR personal assistant.
As for the least favorites, well, where do I even start? Chambray, the Prince, and Alphonse—
And Ace, that mini Trump wannabe was like a mosquito buzzing in my ear! I was absolutely done with; his propaganda. I mean, did anyone in their right mind even vote for him? The best part of the show, in my opinion, was the tight-knit group formed by the girls (plus Chad). The audience ate it up.
And Ace, that mini Trump wannabe was like a mosquito buzzing in my ear! I was absolutely done with
I: You′ve led quite the eclectic life. Can you shed some light on your past experiences, from your; brief stint as a monk to your foray into tarot reading? M: I was a student of theology at VanteLucem University. It was a spiritual awakening. Nowadays, I just do my best not to anger the gods.
I: You′ve led quite the eclectic life. Can you shed some light on your past experiences, from your
I: We′ve heard whispers about your legendary entourage, the band of misfits who′ve traversed the; globe with you. M: Despite what the scandalous tabloids suggest, I miss those cheeky buggers. Our escapades were like something out of a Monty Python sketch—absurd, chaotic, and unforgettable.
I: We′ve heard whispers about your legendary entourage, the band of misfits who′ve traversed the
I: Do you keep in touch with the old gang? M: Candice and I are still the ultimate gossip duo,; As for the rest, we catch up when we can, but life′s got us all juggling a million things at once. It′s the classic tale of growing up and getting on with it, I suppose.
I: Do you keep in touch with the old gang? M: Candice and I are still the ultimate gossip duo,
I: What are your thoughts on the last season, especially with Penn′s wild idea to turn it into; a dating-show? M: Absolute shambles, if you ask me. Not a single lovebird took flight from that mess—except for Elliot, the cameraman who somehow managed to snag a date. Color me impressed.
I: What are your thoughts on the last season, especially with Penn′s wild idea to turn it into
I: Any chance we′ll see you back in the hosting chair for another season of the show?; M: Returning to the hosting gig? Ugh, the mere thought of it makes me want to reach for the antacids. If the producers twist my arm hard enough (£) I might consider it. Don′t hold your breath, though.
I: Any chance we′ll see you back in the hosting chair for another season of the show?

Comentarii album • 2
CandiceSwanepoel 23 March 2024  
Are we gonna end our phonecalls by saying 'xoxo, gossip girl' from now on?
MattyHealy 25 March 2024  
No, that's Penn's thing!
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